Business Case

“How does gender equality impact businesses?”

  • Gender inequality costs women in the United States $1,600,000,000,000 (trillion) per year. (source, Fast Business)
  • Gender diversity/inclusion is more than just a moral imperative, it is good business:
    • Gender diverse teams tend to outperform those that are less gender diverse.(source, Deloitte Insights)
    • Gender diverse teams are more creative, better able to recognize previously unappreciated opportunities, and more likely to anticipate problems. (source, Forbes)
    • Businesses with executive teams in the top quartile of gender diversity were 27% more likely to achieve above-average profitability compared with companies in the bottom quartile for gender diversity. (source, McKinsey & Co.)
    • 66% of high-net-worth investors say it is important to hire and promote business that promote diversity in the workplace (source, Morgan Stanley)
  • American women make up half of the U.S. population and drive 70-80% of all consumer purchasing decisions. (source, Forbes)
  • An examination of stock performances shows that when women have a strong presnece on a corporation’s board the stock prices of that company was higher than those with an all-male board. (source, AAUW)
  • 108 American companies filed an amicus brief in Virginia v Ferriero that included the statement that the 28th Amendment (Equal Rights) will “…improve American competitiveness and help accelerate the post-COVID-19 economic recovery.” (source, Amicus Brief filed by Paul Weiss, Virginia v Ferriero)

Proudly joining the overwhelming majority of Americans that support the ERA, amici recognize that eliminating systemic barriers that impede women’s economic and social advancement will result in a more just, vibrant, and productive America.

Amicus Brief filed on behalf of 108 American corporations by Paul Weiss, Virginia v Ferriero



“Won’t women contractors lose enhanced status for contract bids?”


“Does constitutional equality mean women will be drafted?”


“What is the history of the 28th Amendment (Equal Rights)?”