About Us

“Who is VoteEqualityUS and what’s your plan?”

  • VoteEqualityUS is a nonpartisan grassroots effort promoting equal rights for all Americans.
    • We’re working to ensure addition of the fully-ratified 28th Amendment (Equal Rights) to the United States Constitution.
    • We evolved out of VAratifyERA, the successful campaign that ratified the Equal Rights Amendment in Virginia in 2020, and are led by experienced advocates from the last three states to ratify (Virginia, Illinois, and Nevada).
    • Over 165 constitutions include gender equality and so should ours. Join us in making history and let’s vote equality!
    • All constitutional requirements have been met, just ask the American Bar Association! Unfortunately, the National Archivist has not yet published our 28th Amendment (Equal Rights). 😭
  • Plan A is to quietly work a legal strategy focused on the DoJ/Office of Legal Counsel because we believe that is the system created / imposed hurdle preventing the National Archivist from publishing.

  • As we pursue Plan A, we will continue voter outreach and education:
    • Raise awareness nationwide that the 28th Amendment is fully-ratified but not yet added to the Constitution via our website, outreach, RATIFIED screenings, and VoteEquality tours.
    • Support and encourage grassroots advocates to TAKE PUBLIC ACTION by writing letters to the editor / OpEds and raising the issue in town halls / candidate forums. 
    • Encourage grassroots advocates to “find a crowd” instead of spending time building a crowd and provide outreach materials.
    • Encourage robust conversations in Congress.
      •  Although we do not believe Congressional action is needed for our 28th Amendment to be published, any action taken by Congress to recognize the 28th Amendment should be looked on favorably by the U.S. Supreme Court. 
      • The U.S. House of Representatives prioritized gender equality when it recognized the 28th Amendment on February 13, 2020 in passing HJRes79.
      • The ERA Caucus in the U.S. House of Representatives will screen RATIFIED in 2025.



“Won’t women contractors lose enhanced status for contract bids?”


“Does constitutional equality mean women will be drafted?”


“What is the history of the 28th Amendment (Equal Rights)?”