Black Lives Matter

“What’s your position on Black Lives Matter?”

  • VoteEqualityUS unequivocally stands with and supports nonviolent civil disobedience to dismantle systemic racism.
  • Black women experience gender discrimination in addition to racism in their daily lives which cannot be ignored:
    • Black women earn 63.7 cents for every dollar earned by White men. Additionally, the pay gap between Black women and White men working full-time varies greatly by state. Black women earn 43.3 cents on the dollar to their male peers in Louisiana and 71.7 on the dollar in Hawaii. (source, Institutes for Women’s Policy Research)
    • Black women are 3 times more likely to die while giving birth than White women. (source, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
    • Black women from Jim Crow states are at increased risk of more aggressive breast tumors that were also less responsive to treatment. (source, Harvard)
    • Black women are more than 2.5 times more likely to be murdered by men than White women. (source, Journal of Women’s Health
  • Black lives have always and will always matter.

“If we all take the lead together, hate falls behind.”

Lead Together (Utah)



“Won’t women contractors lose enhanced status for contract bids?”


“Does constitutional equality mean women will be drafted?”


“What is the history of the 28th Amendment (Equal Rights)?”