Write 4 Rights
Starting TODAY, send emails, postcards, texts, or anything you want to as many friends as possible using the script:
Mail, call, or email President Biden before January 10th. You can print the postcard below from your home computer. Head to our SOCIAL MEDIA TOOLKIT to download.

Submit an OpEd to let the rest of your community know that we are ONE EASY STEP AWAY from fixing the gender gap in our Constitution. Not a writer? Find a friend who is or better yet, band together with a few friends and contact a journalist or favorite blogger and ask them to write something.
Fun Facts to include
- The Equal Rights Amendment, now our 28th Amendment, has met all constitutional requirements, according to the American Bar Association.
- Many excellent talking points are provided by the legal experts speaking to the issue during the resolution passage (video here)
- From the FAQ “International Standing”
- Gender equality is included in 168 international constitutions but not in ours.
- In 2018, the United States was ranked as the 10th most dangerous country in the world for women. We tied for third with Syria for countries where women most risked sexual violence, harassment and coercion into sex, and sixth regarding non-sexual violence such as domestic and mental abuse.
- From the FAQ “Pregnancy Discrimination“
- The United States is one of only two countries in the world that does not mandate paid leave and at the current rate of adoption it will take 150 years for everyone in the United States to have paid leave.
- Peruse our FAQs for many more quotable data points